Why write?


A little over a year ago, I started following a blog that spoke to my heart in immense ways. Ami Atkins lost her husband due to a health issue. I knew her husband Jon from my college days. I admit, I didn’t know him well. I believe we had a speech class together. Ami started posting her blog articles on Jon’s page, and that is how I got to know her. She is wise beyond her years and the grace God has shown her is so evident in her life. She has been faced with

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Grace for each stage

IMG_1260Let’s not sugar-coat it. Life is hard. Like, I had no idea how many really hard moments there would be. It always seems like life will be a little easier if [insert solution]. . . Or life will be a little easier when [insert next stage of life]. . . 

I have been thinking a lot lately about the stages of life. I was told growing up that I would always anticipate each new milestone in life and that no one “stage” would fully satisfy. You don’t believe that as a kid though, right? I mean getting married seemed like the best thing ever! To find your prince and allow him to take you off into the sunset on a white horse?

(Thank you, Disney.)

I distinctly remember sitting in my room one day, extremely frustrated at how long it seemed to be taking to grow up. I don’t remember how old I was, but I remember thinking Continue reading

Robin Williams, Hook, and True Satisfaction

I am not a movie re-watcher. In fact there are movies that I would swear to you are in my top 5 favorite movies, yet I have only seen them ONCE. I just do not enjoy re-watching movies or re-reading books even. There is no more surprise I guess. No more suspense.



Every time that movie comes on, I turn it on, expecting to only watch a few minutes, yet I am always sucked in until the bang-arang of an ending! That food fight?! I mean, c’mon, every child watches that and

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Beauty and peace at last


I have been thinking a lot lately about beauty. Of course, beauty is a little bit relative. But, a lot of things that cause us joy and give us pleasure come from things that are ugly or things that are hard. I grew up in Chicago, and while snow is beautiful, winters in Chicago were and are difficult. Usually by the time March rolls around, everyone is ready for the beauty and the pleasure of spring.

My husband renovates houses. I have seen him take houses that honestly should not even be standing Continue reading

What’s For Dinner?

One thing I absolutely despise doing is planning our meals for the week. And cooking comes at a close second. Now that our little ten month old is eating solids, I want him to be eating what we eat at dinner. This means I am having to really be a lot more careful about what meals I plan. I am trying to find healthy foods that we can all enjoy at the dinner table. Continue reading