Staying In

So, tonight will be our first New Year’s Eve where we don’t either host a party or go to a party. We are. . . staying in. Pretty sure I used to say something about “those” couples who had no life and couldn’t do anything fun anymore once they had kids. So. . . sorry about that! We have put our 15 month old through a lot in the past 2 weeks with a trip to see family and then a few events even when we got back. Sometimes, you have to make a decision for your child and try to return him/her to some state of normalcy and consistency. I understand that. Now. (Ha.)

I am looking forward to an evening with my 2 favorite boys in the whole world. I know I am blessed beyond measure. I am ok with staying in and reflecting on the last year with my favorite people. I mentioned in my post, Waiting For Christmas, that I have always viewed New Year’s Eve as a time of reflection. I would like to do that here by naming some of the highlights of 2014. These are in no particular order.

1. This was our first full year as a family of 3. Watching Logan go from 3 months to 15 months brought me some high highs and low lows! I learned what sleep deprivation really was like, I had a lot of nursing problems, I had to give my worry over to God concerning Logan’s laryngomalacia.

I also watched as Logan’s personality blossomed. He is the world’s best flirt. His smile is infectious. If you are laughing, he HAS to laugh along. He is intense and does everything 100%. Whether it is throwing a tantrum or giving me kisses, he gives it ALL he’s got.

He is a daddy’s boy right now. Their bond is so much fun to watch. Oh, how he loves his daddy. And little one, oh how we love you. 2014 was more special than any other year because YOU filled all of our days with YOU.

2. I turned 30. I really can’t say much about this milestone. It wasn’t that big of a deal. Who knows when the midlife crisis thing will hit, but I’m cool with turning 30. I don’t feel any different. If anything, I feel like I am finally gaining more and more credibility in different areas of life and friendship. I embrace 30. Bring it on.

3. I left my teaching job at a local college. I have been in a classroom either teaching or learning since kindergarten. This fall was the first fall of my life I didn’t enter a classroom. Yes, that was difficult. I am still learning to embrace my new role as stay-at-home mom with 100% joy. God has been growing me and I am thankful for this part of the sanctification process. He is so good to allow me to stay at home with Logan and some day, I want to be back in the classroom. For now, it is not what is best for me. (Oh, I was privileged to direct the LAST vespers every held in Rodeheaver auditorium. Even though doing that with a new 3 month old baby was a suicide mission. . .History made. Ha! And that won’t make a lick of sense to many of you, and that’s really ok.)

4. I started this blog! Though not a popular blog by any stretch of the imagination, I have a few consistent supporters who I am so grateful for! Thank you for taking the time to follow/read my blog. It has been an amazing outlet for me, and I am so glad I took a leap of faith and started it!

I have a lot I want to accomplish in 2015. But I am learning to take each day one at a time.


Merry christmas and a very happy New Year from my family to yours!


Waiting for Christmas


Growing up, Christmas and the new year were both always a big deal to me. On New Year’s Eve we would host a big all-nighter, and before everyone would come over, I would sit in my room and think about the past year. I would journal about it and get all sentimental thinking about all that had happened and all that was before me in the coming year. During the Christmas season, I would savor every contata (I went to a cantata church!), every school Christmas event, and every precious moment of the season. Since then, time and busyness of life have stolen these sweet moments from me. Continue reading

Taking back my Time – Part 1 (Cleaning)

unnamed-4Hello friends. I am going to start a series of posts on time management. There has been a huge difference in time management and organization in my life between the before-Logan (BL) era and the after-Logan era (AL). Now that my son is 14 months old, and I am (finally) feeling pretty much 100% where I was in the BL era, I decided it was time to take back my time! Where do the days go? HOW does nothing get done? I am a stay-at-home mom of one active boy and I needed to come up with a plan. Now, before all of you moms of multiples laugh at me and sit back and say, “Just wait,” Continue reading