“But. . . they are worth it”

Tired Parent: “Yah, my newborn woke up every 2 hours last night. I am so tired. My toddler is going through the terrible 2s on top of it. Try dealing with an explosive tantrum over not wanting milk, but wanting juice instead (when the kid asked for milk in the first place) while getting 3 hours of sleep the night before. Oh and don’t get me started on trying to go anywhere. It takes 30 min to just get out the door. Seriously, wait as long as you can before having kids. Enjoy your time as a couple, because it’s never the same again when you have children. . . But, they are worth it!”

I have heard this type of monologue many times when I was yet to become a mom. Then, I became a mom and I have spouted out this dialogue many times. It’s funny to me. We go on and on about the tortures of parenting and then tag on an “It’s worth it” on the end. But we don’t talk often about the “It’s so worth it” part. So that’s what this blog post is intended to do!

Old Computer 175

Look at those honeymoon babies. So rested. So free to do whatever we wanted. 🙂

Nathan and I got married with the thought of having children far into the future. We received a lot of pressure from the start to have children soon, but we were not interested. We always said we would wait about 5 years. Due to various roles in plays that I couldn’t pass up, we pushed that date a little further back. It took us a year to conceive Logan which put us at being married 7 years before we had our first child.


The little guy who made us parents

I heard the above dialogue many times! It really scared me to think that our lives would change so dramatically. But everyone said it was worth it, so I held on to that. We were definitely behind all of our other friends who already had 1 or 2 kids by the time we became parents. So, I have compassion for those that are waiting to have children. You may feel pressure. You may wonder if you are doing the right thing by waiting. And you certainly wonder if you can handle it. After all, your friend who is a new parent seems to be a walking zombie!

So, dear friend, here is the “it’s worth it.”

  • Being a parent is conceiving another human being from the love that you both share for each other. Half of you and half of your spouse in another human. It is a miracle I will never stop marveling at.
  • Being a mom is growing your son or daughter in your womb. One minute, there is nothing in there. The next, a human life is created and begins to form. You nurture and sustain that life with your very own body.
  • Being a parent is watching your child go from being completely helpless to independent in just a short time. Watching them learn from you and become their own person is very fulfilling.
  • Being a parent is LOTS of sloppy kisses.
  • Being a parent is love. So much love. Experiencing it in a whole new capacity. Not knowing that your heart could even contain so much love. It’s almost suffocating.
  • Being a parent is middle of the night snuggles. Feeling your child completely and totally melt into your body for comfort. Because YOU are the only person they want and need. YOU are their whole world.

But, mostly, being a parent is seeing God’s love in a whole new way. I watch my toddler throw a tantrum and my eyes fill with tears knowing that that is EXACTLY how *I* look when I fight and struggle against God’s calling in my life. As a parent, I mostly fail at showing grace and love how Christ does in my life. And it is humbling to me to see myself through my child and to know that I am responsible for helping lead them and discipline them to the glory of God.

It is so worth it. 

I am an honest blogger. I have always shared my struggles very openly with you all. But sometimes, we need to be reminded of the beautiful result of all of the struggling. My family is the best thing that has ever happened to me. So all of the hard times; they really are worth it.

We may have been rested and free to do whatever we wanted 9 years ago on our honeymoon, but we didn’t have 2 precious faces that looked at us like we were their whole world. We didn’t have 2 human beings that were a direct result of our vows of love to each other. It’s worth it.


My family. Could I be more blessed?!

So, if you are nervous or scared to start that new journey called parenthood. Don’t worry. You aren’t alone. And I promise. It’s not as bad as we can make it seem sometimes. So, yes, enjoy the sleep and the freedom, but know that God gives the grace when it’s time. You will be ready because He will have called you to start the journey. And it’s worth it.




I often get the question now, “So, is the transition to 2 harder or easier than 1?” In some ways, I feel like it’s a funny question. Like, of course taking care of 2 children (one being a child entering the terrible 2s) is more difficult than taking care of 1. When you add a child, no matter how many kids you have, you are adding another human being to take care of and keep alive! However, I am going to try and answer this question. Continue reading